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brain word cloud

brain word cloud

Die brain word cloud 2011. Auch dieses Jahr jat SMS sich umgehört, auf der Suche nach den Begriffen die die Menschen mit dem Gehirn verbinden. Hier ist die diesjährige brain word cloud, in der die häufiger gefallenen Begriffe grösser repräsentiert sind als weniger häufige.   Eingehende Suchbegriffe:word cloud shape brain

Brain awarness – the word cloud

Brain awarness – the word cloud

For the entire brain awarness week we have been collecting words that people had in mind with regard to brain an neurobiology. This word cloud contains all words that were offered, with the ones mentioned several times being bigger and those mentioned only once or twice being very tiny. Thanks to all the people who [...]

Brain Awarness word cloud

Brain Awarness word cloud

Brain awarness week – word cloud When you see those images…. When you hear the words brain, neuron or nervous system… Which words are the first one to pop up in your brain? Which thoughts? Which image do you see? What comes to your mind? Tell us your brain-words! In the brain awarness week all [...]