All Entries Tagged With: "Metamaterials"
Metamaterials – Now they have it!
Autor: fee I have already written about Metamaterials and stated my sympathy for these fancy materials [here]. Metamaterial exhibit a negative refractory index, which is a rather uncommon feature and enables them to perform quite unusual characteristics. So far, they only existed for microwave and infrared electromagnetic waves, mainly due to problems in fabrication of [...]
Metamaterials – Invisibility or the definition of “black”
Autor: fee Now this is the kind of stuff, that really makes me feel good…Of cours I am a Treckie! Metamaterials, the name alone thrills me, are custom tailored materials composed of formations of atoms, themself harbouring very rare properties. Most of these so far generated Metamaterials were designed to interact with electromagnetic radiation, resulting [...]