enzyme song
uli Brandt-Bohne | Mai 19, 2010 | Kommentare 0
If you remember the very nice PCR song from Biolabs, which at least scientists loved, the enzyme song from Biorad is just fun.
I suppose that this way of advertisment had much greater impact on the ones who buy the products: the scientists themselves, since finally not just a catalogue but fun was offered. And a scientist loves fun. In fact most of the time a scientist is not this serious – when it concearns work yes- but not if a joke can be added, something stupid can be done in the eternal hours of pipeting and creative thinking in the daily lab live.
Also very nice is the Applied Biosystems Taq Polymerase video showings agent 00360 (=007) saving the world from the bad guy who wants to deamplify the world. But as usuall the super-agent saves us all with the help of a beautiful woman.
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