A Scientist a day- english questionnaire
uli Brandt-Bohne | Apr 01, 2012 | Kommentare 2
Are you a Scientist? Do you have a scientific background? Do you perform Science communication? Do you want to learn more about a specific Scientist? If you can answer one of these questions with a `yes´ your profile could be presented at `A Scientist a day´!
Project: A Scientist a day
Help giving Science a face by presenting yourself or somebody you would like to present. The idea is to present the Scientists themselves, people who have a scientific background and those who actively communicate Science. By doing so, the image of the crazy Scientist is to be pushed in the right perspective (or proven). By getting to know the people who stand behind the findings and who divulge scientific knowledge, fears and distance to Science is intended to get loosened or even lost. Then the readers will be more open to see the fascination of the Science that surrounds us and influences our lives.
Participate in `A Scientist a day´. Present yourself or a colleague/friend. Recommend this project to others. Tell us about whom you would like to learn more. Exploit this possibility to show Science from another angle
How to Start? That´s easy. Answer some or all of the following questions and send us a picture. The rest will be done by us.
Where to send the data? To
When? Project start will be the 1st of April of 2012 –no joke! Profiles can also be handed in after the 1st of April.
Where? `A Scientist a day´ will be presented on Science-meets-society.com, a non-profit page performing Science communication.
Further information: Articles can be handed in German, English and Spanish. They will all be translated to German.
We are looking forward to your participation, doubts, input and comments.
Personal field: Photo(s) of you (and/or your group), Name, age, sex, actual activity or employment
1. How did you get to Science – the origins?
2. Are you (doing/working) where you first planned to be? Where are you now and why?
3. Which is your biggest scientific achievement?
4. What is, in your opinion, THE biggest scientific achievement/novelty?
5. Who is (to you) the greatest Scientist?
6. Which scientific question would you like to be answered?
7. Which organism/disease/pathway/formula/phenomenon would you like to have named and which name would you have chosen?
8. What should be different in Science?
9. How does (to you) the Science of the future look like?
10. What was/is the biggest mistake/deficit in Science?
We look forward to get your profiles!
Popularity: 4% [?]
Eingehende Suchbegriffe:
- comment english about sciences schreiben
- english questionnaire
- science meets society scientist a day
- update of the communication of scientific info -march 2012
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Kategorie: A Scientist a day
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[...] can also participate in A Scientist a day, find more information in english here. AKPC_IDS += "5161,";Popularity: unranked [?] [...]
A Scientist a day | Science Communication | Science meets Society…