RSSArchive for August, 2012

Science writer and nanotechnology blogger (EN)

Science writer and nanotechnology blogger (EN)

        Julian Taub studied interdisciplinary Science and Writing and is now active as Science Writer, Journalist, and a Nanotechnology Blogger.     How did you get to Science? Since he was young, he has always been interested in science. ` I love to learn the underlying mechanics behind everything I come across, [...]

Researcher, educator and practitioner in science communication (EN)

Researcher, educator and practitioner in science communication (EN)

    Brian Trench is a researcher, educator and practitioner in science communication. He is also a visiting lecturer, National Correspondent on the EU-funded project MASIS, member of several projects, committees and very active in science communication and teaching.       How he got into Science Brian Trench took a degree in languages, worked [...]